Connect with a Group

Groups Ministry

A common question people have when coming to a new church is, “How do I get connected?” Our groups ministry may be the place to start.

The simple goal of our growth groups ministry is to help each other everyone become what Jesus envisions. Groups are caring communities where we can safely explore God’s teaching and then learn how to apply it to our everyday lives.

What to Expect

Here’s what you can expect when you attend a growth group:

  • You’ll meet with 8-12 other people, who desire to grow spiritually, make friends and serve others.
  • You’ll share a meal or snack in a relaxed environment.
  • You’ll utilize Bible based studies or curriculum.
  • There’ll be discussion and dialogue about God and life.
  • There’l be a time of prayer.

Growth Groups are more than just Bible studies.  They are a great place to share your story discover how to apply Scripture to your life.

Growth Groups are not meant to be intolerably serious though! Being part of a faith community means having fun too. Many groups have BBQs, campfires, ski vacations, camping trips, game nights…etc!

Growth Groups meet weekly or bi-weekly on a specific day for a set amount of time. We have many groups available that can fit your schedule!

If you’d like to join a Growth Group, please contact Pastor Kirk and he will get you connected.  You can also use the form below to search for a group.